jénoise's dessert page

watermelon and raspberry sorbet

serves 8-10

in a saucepan simmer water with sugar, stirring until sugar has dissolved. In a blender purée watermelon, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and 1/2 cup of raspberries. strain through a fine sieve into a bowl, pressing hard on the solids and then discard. covered and chill mixture until cold. freeze mixture in an ice cream maker.

serve scoops of sorbet and garnish with remaining 1/2 cup of raspberries. (sorbet may be made up 1 week in advance).

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jen's lemon & fennel biscotti

serves 8-10

preheat oven to 325° f.

line a 11 ½ x 16 ½ inch jelly-roll pan with parchment paper, dusted with a little flour.

roast fennel seeds in a dry sauté pan over medium-high heat until fragrant; allow to cool before grinding.

combine flour and baking powder; set aside.

in a large mixing bowl, combine fennel, eggs, egg yokes, extracts, vermouth, zest, almonds and sugar; mix well. add ¼ of flour mixture until absorbed, continue adding flour in fourths.

divide batter in half to form 2 logs. dust hands with flour and shape log so it is flat, about 1" thick, and ends squared off. bake for about 25-30 minutes or until when log is wrapped on it sounds hollow. allow to cool completely.

lower oven temperature to 200° f.

transfer logs to cutting board. flip over parchment in jelly-roll pan. cut logs into ½" slices and return to pan. continue baking until completely dry, this may take 30-60 minutes. allow to cool completely (if you wish, you may dip into chocolate and allow to set-up); store in an airtight container.

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